Amazing Waterfall- animated
In its product range the
Have you ever been in tropics
'Valentine day' is holiday
desktop wallpapers is the
Elefun Company has released
where among freakish bind
animated desktop wallpaper
qualitatively new
a new theme "Water-mill" for
trees, from huge height
by EleFun Multimedia. Once
replacement of the
the Animated Desktop
water falls down. It is
in a year people all over
well-known wallpapers, but
Wallpapers and Screensavers.
falling from the ledge which
the world celebrate the day
in a difference with the
is somewhere in height, the
of love and all beloved, and
simple beautiful images we
cascade flows down on smooth
present each other
offer you the real living
stones direct at your foots.
world full of sounds and of
movement on your desktop.
Date: Mar, 30 2005 Date: Mar, 30 2005 Date: Mar, 30 2005 Date: Mar, 05 2005 |
12 great flower wallpaper
The ALTools Lunar (Chinese)
If you were born in 1904,
If you were born in 1910,
1024x768. An index page
Zodiac Cycle wallpaper shows
1916, 1928, 1940, 1952,
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958,
let's you to visualize the
all 12 animals of the
1964, 1976, 1988, or 2000
1970, 1982, or 1994 then
12 wallpapers
Chinese Zodiac. Each animal
then your Chinese Zodiac
your Chinese Zodiac sign is
simultaneously: left click
in the cycle and is labeled
sign is the Dragon and this
the Dog and this ALTools
on that of your choice to
in English and traditional
ALTools Egghead Lunar Zodiac
Egghead Lunar Zodiac Dog
increase the image, right
Chinese. See
Dragon wallpaper is for you.
wallpaper is for you. See
click on the image increased for
See for
to install it as wallpaper.
more free desktop wallpapers.
for more free desktop
more free desktop wallpapers.
Date: Feb, 27 2005 Date: Feb, 17 2005 Date: Feb, 17 2005 Date: Feb, 17 2005 |