Wallpaper Expert uses
A soothing wallpaper with a
This revolutionary program
It is a spooky day out there.
categories to manage your
video of pink flower with
brings life to your desktop.
The ghosts have woken up on
wallpapers. BMP, JPEG, GIF,
shadows and announcing the
A DesktopPlant grows
Halloween. No need venture
rising of the Lord. Download
directly on your desktop and
out, this wallpaper will
files as wallpaper,
this enchanting wallpaper to
needs your care just like a
frighten you enough.
different wallpaper styles,
sooth your body and soul
real plant! See for yourself
Download now and enjoy.
background colors, changing
with the spirit that
how amazingly realistic
orders, regular and random
signifies what Easter really
these plants are!
intervals, scheduler times.
Date: Dec, 03 2006 Date: Mar, 10 2006 Date: Jan, 31 2007 Date: Oct, 11 2006 |
STRAYK is a freeware program
This small utility configures
EarthDesk replaces your
Uranium Desktop lets you
that downloads a new
your desktop so that it
static wallpaper with a
automatically rotate your
wallpaper every day. An
always has a fresh landscape
high-resolution rendered
wallpapers in 2 easy steps:
increasing number of themes
as wallpaper. Photos are
image of Earth showing
First you specify one or
will make it easy to select
taken from the Internet from
current sun, moon and city
more folders where your
a theme of your choice. Some
the 'Landscape Pictures
illumination as well as
wallpapers are located.
themes are linked to prize
real-time cloud coverage.
Second, you set the time
contests. Saved images may
Many different options are
interval, ranging from every
be shown as slideshow
available for configuring
few minutes to every month.
the map image.
Date: Mar, 15 2007 Date: Dec, 05 2006 Date: Sep, 08 2006 Date: Oct, 24 2006 |