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Screen Savers: Science


Planet Saturn 3D Screensaver

Hits: 391

Planet Uranus 3D Screensaver

Hits: 396

Planet Venus 3D Screensaver

Hits: 104
Saturn has the lowest density
Uranus is the farthest planet
Venus is the second planet
This screensaver is a series
of any planet in our solar
from Earth that can be seen
from the Sun and it was long
of pictures of the solar
system and would actually
with the unaided eye but of
thought of as the Earth's
system. Every planet is
float if it was placed in
course this can only happen
twin. Planet Venus 3D
there along with its
water! It is known for its
on a clear, dark night. How
Screensaver is a great 3D
satellites and basic
ring system composed mainly
about having the opportunity
model of this cloud-shrouded
scientific description.
of water ice and dust. This
to watch this unique planet
planet that will turn your
Sheer beauty with
screensaver is a great 3D
any time you like? All you
desktop into the eyepiece of
educational effect for kids
model of the fascinating
need is this screensaver
a powerful telescope.
and adults!

Date: Jan, 28 2005

Date: Mar, 09 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Mar, 17 2005
This screensaver build on
The screen saver shows on a
QuakeSaver is Windows
Radar Screensaver simulates a
last attaiment of science in
green background red and
screensaver that displays
fabulous radar watching its
the area of prophecy. 35-th
white blood cells in
recent earthquake locations
airspace controlled area.
dimension is a global pool
different animations. You
on stunning world and
You will be able to
of all fate energy.
can select the animation
regional maps. Produced in
configure it many ways. It
type, the animation speed
colors that match the
can track Santa Clause (!)
and the type of blood cells
earth's complex terrain,
from now and allows leaving
you want to see.
these maps display the
messages while it is running
impressive number of
when you are away from your
earthquakes that rock the

Date: Mar, 12 2005

Date: Sep, 20 2000

Date: Mar, 19 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2005
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