
popular collection of scripts for all

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Vista Icon Collection

Hits: 826

Vista Toolbar Icon Collection

Hits: 813

i-Commerce Icon Set

Hits: 804

ABBIcon Pro

Hits: 775
Software Developer, Web
35 Unique Graphic Unit
Your products will look more
Builds and maintains icon
Developer and Professionals
Software Developer, Web
modern and attractive with
libraries like Windows
for world most enhanced high
Developer and Professionals
i-Commerce Icon Set. Color
Explorer. Extracts and
quality Vista Icon
high quality free Vista
formats include Windows XP
creates icons from files in
Collections. Vista Icon
Style Toolbar Icon
and 8-bit formats. Available
35 formats. Exports icons to
Collection contains images
Collection The Vista Style
sizes are 16x16, 24x24,
17 format files. Create
designed specifically for
Icon Collection Set is ideal
32x32, 48x48 and 256x256.
icons from Web Pages, Screen
vista applications and more..
for toolbar.
This icon set includes
Capture. 40,000+ icons for
money, goods and other icons.
registered user.

Date: Jul, 01 2006

Date: Jul, 27 2006

Date: Oct, 20 2006

Date: Sep, 07 2006
The SibCode Car Icon set
More than 1800 XP icons
E-Mail Icon Set is a
Security Icon Set is a
covers a broad range to
designed specifically for
collection of
collection of
automobile-related topics:
database applications,
wonderfully-crafted stock
wonderfully-crafted stock
from a car credit to a car,
business applications,
icons for use in commercial
icons for use in commercial
from a jeep to a police car,
internet applications and
and personal products,
and personal products,
from car business to traffic
websites.File format:
including software
including software
lights - all you can think
.ICO(NOT INCLUDE 128*128),
applications, websites,
applications, websites and
of in a single set.
GIF, PNG Sizes:
blogs and presentations. The
presentations. The icons
Perfectly designed,
128x128,64x64,48x48, 32x32,
icons have a bright color
have a bright color palette,
perfectly functional!
palette, smooth and
smooth and well-rounded
well-rounded edges.

Date: Sep, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 02 2005

Date: Sep, 25 2006

Date: Mar, 10 2007
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