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Clocks & Alarms



Hits: 788

Weather Alarm Clock

Hits: 653

Atomic Alarm Clock

Hits: 859

Sarbyx TrayClock

Hits: 198
With the the application
Get things done and don't
Alert yourself about
Replacement of Windows tray
"SchoolBell" the
forget your umbrella using
important events with
clock, support Winamp skins
bell system of a school or
this customizable clock with
different alarms and replace
factory can be controlled.
exact time, alarms, current
your standard tray clock
weather conditions,
using different skins. Alarm
forecasts and different
clock that will play a MP3
file. It also can run a
program,log off,reboot,shut
down, or poweroff. Nice
Computer Alarm Clock!

Date: Apr, 17 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 03 2007
Reminder and wallpaper
The WorkPause utility can
AlfaClock enhances your tray
Attractive Clock is analog
manager for Windows XP. It
help you prevent the
clock functionality. It can
desktop skinable clock with
will help you to manage your
tiredness, back pain, eye
speak the time, start
a calendar and date.Great
time, keep record of
strain, repetitive strain
Windows applications at a
number of various attractive
birthday and holidays,
injury (RSI) or other
specified time, indicate
skins will allow you to pick
manage your walpapers and
illnesses provoked by long
processor and memory loads
up appearance of clock
remind you of planned events
uninterrupted work with
and more...
according to your
in different ways.
computers, by reminding you
preferences, and diversify
to take breaks at regular
your desktop.

Date: Mar, 22 2007

Date: Mar, 21 2007

Date: Mar, 19 2007

Date: Mar, 18 2007
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