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Ruby on Rails: Up and Running

Hits: 1689
The Money Train is an e-book
This compact guide teaches
Ruby for Rails helps Rails
Beginning Ruby on Rails
for Ruby on Rails with tips
you the basics of installing
developers achieve Ruby
E-Commerce: From Novice to
on how to build an
and using both the Ruby
mastery. Each chapter
Professional is the first
e-commerce site using the
scripting language and the
deepens your Ruby knowledge
book of its kind to guide
Rails framework. You'll get
Rails framework for the
and shows you how it
you through producing
a head start on building
quick development of web
connects to Rails. You'll
e-commerce applications with
your own online store by
applications. Ruby on Rails:
gain confidence working with
Rails--the stacked web
learning from someone who
Up and Running covers just
objects and classes and
framework taking the world
has been there and done
about everything you need -
learn how to leverage Ruby's
by storm. The book dives
that. Code and schema
from making a simple
elegant, expressive syntax
right into the process of
samples are included to help
database-backed application
for Rails application power.
creating a production-level
you know before-hand what
to adding elaborate Ajaxian
And you'll become a better
web application using agile
you'll be up against and how
features and all the juicy
Rails developer through a
methodologies and
to tackle some common
bits in between. While Rails
deep understanding of the
test-driven development
is praised for its
design of Rails itself and
combined with Rails best
simplicity and speed of
how to take advantage of it.
practices. You'll take
development, there are still
advantage of the latest crop
a few steps to master on the
of Rails plug-ins and
way. More advanced material
helpers that will radically
helps you map data to an
improve your programming
imperfect table, traverse
schedule. You'll also create
complex relationships, and
a real application
build custom finders. A
step-by-step, plus the book
section on working with Ajax
is driven by real-world
and REST shows you how to
cases throughout.
exploit the Rails service
frameworks to send emails,
implement web services, and
create dynamic user-centric
web pages. The book also
explains the essentials of
logging to find performance
problems and delves into
other performance optimizing

Date: Sep, 01 2006

Date: Aug, 31 2006

Date: Aug, 31 2006

Date: Aug, 31 2006
The book quickly reviews
Beginning Ruby on Rails
his practical hands-on guide
Using a conversational tone
Rails development and then
introduces web development
for first-time Ruby on Rails
and lots of easy-to-follow
move to essential enterprise
with Ruby on Rails, a
programmers will walk you
examples, popular For
subjects like Web Services
powerful new framework. You
through installing the
Dummies author Barry Burd
(and their relationships
will learn how to develop
required software on a
gently introduces
with SOA), data persistence,
basic applications by
Windows, Mac or Linux
programming novices to
messaging, interoperability
implementing four projects.
computer, and then jumps
Web-database processing and
with other platforms,
Some of the topics covered
into an introduction to the
development with Ruby on
handling documents and
through the projects include
Ruby programming syntax.
Rails (RoR) The book ranges
search, spell-checking, and
form handling, CSS,
The application that the
from Ruby and RoR basics,
report generation. It also
security, database
book builds, a
installation, and writing
covers new Web 2.0
user-generated news Website,
simple Ruby programs to
technologies like Ajax and
is added upon chapter by
using RoR with Ajax and
the read-write Web. It is
architecture, and
chapter, and concepts such
creating a blog, a shopping
rich in examples and covers
test-driven programming.
as user authentication,
cart, and other real-world
numerous interesting topics
Projects include a task
sessions, cookies and basic
readers will be surprised to
manager, a RSS aggregator, a
AJAX usage are gradually
see, such as advanced search
community manager (similar
introduced. The book
with Ferret, how to access
in nature to MySpace.com),
finishes of with chapters on
del.icio.us and Flickr from
and one that utilizes the
reusable code, debugging,
Ruby, or how to use Yahoo's
Amazon API.
and deployment on a live web
general search from Ruby.
server. By the end of the
The book closes with a look
book you'll have a solid
at the Semantic Web and why
grasp of Ruby on Rails
it makes sense to adopt
development and its
semantic Web technologies.
practical applications in
the real-world.

Date: Aug, 31 2006

Date: Aug, 31 2006

Date: Aug, 31 2006

Date: Aug, 31 2006
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