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Web Traffic Analysis


Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool

Hits: 1112

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Hits: 1045
Find and Generate the most
Track offline campaigns and
Show your visitor's
If you've got a website, you
searched keywords and export
measure conversions online
information , display flag ,
need Stat Dude! Stat Dude is
them in 5 different formats
using the OXEGA Webcode
coutry name , ip and browser
a free yet reliable, fully
using Keywordhere.com
Technology™ / Redirect your
, just cut and paste a lite
functional, real-time web
Keyword Suggestion Tool
users to the right landing
code in your page ! No need
tracker. See where your
pages making them remember a
to signup
visitors are coming from in
simple webcode instead of a
real-time, no need to wait
long deeplink / Measure how
days to see last weeks stats.
many people entered your
landing page for each
separate offline marketing
campaign / Measure the
revenue impact in your
online shop, if you allow
conversion tracking /
Measure the number of
actions on your site based
on your offline campaign, if
you allow conversion
tracking / Detect your most
effective offline marketing
campaigns and separate money
losers from cash cows /
Integrate your webanalytics
solution with OXEGA™ using
different tracking links for
each campaign

Date: Jul, 24 2006

Date: Dec, 25 2006

Date: Jun, 27 2005

Date: Feb, 15 2005
Tracksy is a free, reliable,
Generate more leads for your
display your pagerank, pages
AdWatcher is a revolutionary,
hosted web stats and counter
business and close more
indexed and backlinks in
all-in-one tool that helps
service that provides very
sales. AIMpromote provides
you manage your online
detailed, real-time web
you with the tools to easily
advertising (Pay Per Click,
traffic reports. Setting up
generate and track leads
banners, newsletters, etc.),
Tracksy is as easy as
through your website,
track your Return on
cutting-and-pasting a small
telephone, or direct mail.
Investment (ROI), and
HTML on your webpages. The
With it's combination of
monitor your ad campaigns
code will be invisible on
visitor tracking, CRM, and
for fraudulent activity (and
your website, or if you
SFA you will have the
get your money back). With
wish, it will show a
professional tools to give
advanced features, such as
customizable counter. You
your website its competitive
Split Testing, PPC keyword
can log in to Tracksy to see
advantage.Track every lead,
tracking, and mobile/wap
a ton of webtraffic reports
campaign, and revenue dollar
reports, this is a perfect
telling you how many
with our best-in-industry
tool for any business that
visitors are coming to your
integration of visitor
wants to improve its
site, where they are coming
tracking, crm, and sales
advertising techniques.
from, what they are doing on
analytics. Features include:
your site, and what software
••• Closed-Loop Tracking •••
they use.
21 Real-time Reports •••
Lead Distribution •••
Duplicate Lead Removal •••
Newsletter/Mass Mailer •••
Detailed Documentation •••
Unlimited Custom Fields •••
Tasks/Status/SubStatus •••
Visitor Tracking •••
Campaign Management ••• PPC
Management ••• Lead
Import/Export ••• Repost
Leads ••• Private Labelling
Integrated Affiliate System
••• Sign up for a free 14
day full featured trial!

Date: Jul, 06 2005

Date: May, 21 2006

Date: Aug, 05 2006

Date: Mar, 16 2005
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