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News Publishing


Infinite News

Hits: 283

Make your own news feeds

Hits: 706


Hits: 222
Infinite News is a free news
Register on the site and make
With a deskNET™ Direct
Our system delivers
system available to any
up to two feeds. You can
Information Delivery
continuously updated news
webmaster requiring no
post an item in your feed
Service, websites and online
headlines from sources all
special host. Because its
with up to three
businesses can transmit
over the world and updated
remotely hosted, you dont
headlines/links, photo, alt
targeted information
in real-time. Over 750
need programming knowledge,
text, image width, and a
directly onto the screens of
nnews categories from more
and you dont have to
summary. It will instantly
their customers. Direct
than 7500 news
download anything. Some of
be available as an XML feed
Information Delivery™ is a
sources. Free 7 day full
the top features Infinite
and also customizable
unique technology developed
access trial account
news has are smilies, multi
through the use of
by deskNET Communications as
page, commenting, ability to
javascript to display on
an effective marketing and
completely change the skin
your pages (and other
sales tool for small to
and a lot more.
webmasters too!
medium sized online
businesses. A marketing
technology that customers
actually enjoy, deskNET
provides all the means for
you to enhance your online
presence, cement customer
relations, enjoy higher web
traffic and increased sales.

Date: Aug, 26 2004

Date: Jun, 22 2004

Date: Jun, 14 2004

Date: Apr, 01 2004
Kam5 Diary is a powerful,
Keep your visitors up to date
Free, easy to install weblog
Web based Diary / Journal /
hosted web dairy service
with the latest from your
commenting system. After
Blog hosting services. Free
that gives its members the
site with this fully
signing up, you add some
and easy to use. The next
richest set of features to
customizable Site News
simple javascript code to
services to be added include
immediately build a online
script with unlimited posts
your news articles. Users
templates, FTP publishing to
diary book on the Web. We
and ni advertisement. You
can then post feedback.
your website, and RSS.
allow the users write their
can place a list of the last
Also provides simple
Update: Just added subdomain
dairy privately--It is only
few news posts on your main
Javascript counter code.
you who can get access with
page, and then link to your
your diary entries. With
news archive. Other
the Kam 5 Diary system ,
Features include:
there's no installation or
Post/Edit/Delete your news,
configuration required. Your
choose an image or graphic
online diary book and all
to go along with each post,
the tools are managed by our
fully customizable color
system. We expands online
schemes for news posts,
diary book service to
customizable header and
include integration of text,
photos and other media
content. The combination of
simplicity and comprehensive
features will make Kam 5
diary the first tool that
will empower users,
beginners and experts alike,
to reach the full potential
of the web dairy medium.

Date: Feb, 01 2004

Date: May, 19 2003

Date: Apr, 29 2003

Date: Feb, 06 2003
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