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Ardice Guestbook

Hits: 1546


Hits: 922


Hits: 977
Free guestbook service
Get a free guestbook for your
Looking for comments on your
Toonzbook aims to be a
offering spam prevention.
website. Our guest book has
site? Want to know more
guestbook which is easy in
no banners or pop-up ads
about your visitors? Add a
use and administration.
with no messy installations
guestbook! Add your own
Administration is easy,
or special hosting
Logo, bacground color,
because only necessary
requirements needed.
choose your own look, we've
functions like, deleting
made it very
entries, owner verify
simple! Features : Make
entries (You can choose you
your site more
want to review the entries
interactive Gain valuable
first before they are shown
feedback from
to prevent spam, etc), mark
visitors Privacy feature
entry for banning and
for visitor messages E-mail
putting your own comments
notification option for new
with the entries
entries Customization
features IP
Bannig Language filter No
HTML knowledge or
downloading required

Date: Feb, 19 2005

Date: Feb, 16 2005

Date: Jan, 16 2005

Date: Dec, 07 2004
An easy and quick free
FreeGuestbookHost offers free
Not Much To Say. I really
guestbook that requires no
hosted guestbooks with
don’t have much to say ! We
registration. Has multiple
Northwest. With this free
features including: PHP
offer You best Guestbook you
styles to choose from.
ASP.net guestbook
Based Guestbook, Ultra Fast
will ever find. Why Custom
application, you can create
Servers, Custom Table / Font
MultiLingual Guestbook?
a completely customised FREE
Colors, Custom Background
Because You can change
Guestbook, by just filling
Color, Custom Guestbook
everything: Colors, Language
in an online form. You are
Description, Custom
and much more. It's Not
then able to edit, delete
Guestbook Logo, Delete
Our Guestbook ! Really Not
and even add more Guestbooks
Unwanted Entries.
It's Yours. Please Visit Us.
as and when you wish.

Date: Nov, 25 2004

Date: Nov, 11 2004

Date: Nov, 08 2004

Date: Oct, 15 2004
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