Here you can get your free
Free Guestbook for your:
Free and fee based Guestbooks
Features: (no banner, pop
guestbook. You do not need
ability to Reply,Edit,Delete
for your Web site. Easy
Customizable Look -
to host any CGI script, you
5 Guestbook html
setup. Many basic and
Set up the Guestbook with
just have to place one html
layouts to choose,
advance features including
your colors and images
line into your page. You can
logging and
spam control, edit visitor
Sounds - Add background
customize fonts, colors and
Translate to your
messages, HTML comments,
music to play while visitors
many other things. Also you
own language,
Receive new
private messages and feature
read your book
IP Banning -
can get counter and e-mail
entry e-mail
rich control panel.
Ban the IP Address of
notification for your
notification,Send e-mail
unwanted or problem causing
message to all your
Add Smilies - Add
over 600 smilies to your
visitors,Customizable header
Guestbook entries
and footer HTML,
Images - Allow visitors to
control panel.
post their own images and
Simple Maintenance -
add, edit or delete
Guestbook entries with
Multiple Layouts -
select a new layout template
with a click
installation - Just copy and
paste our code onto your
Date: Jul, 17 1999 Date: Nov, 10 2003 Date: Sep, 06 2005 Date: Dec, 09 2003 |
Add a guestbook that includes
Let your visitors leave their
All guestbooks are free,
Highly customizable free
polls and surveys to your
feedback about your site in
highly customizable and have
You can change
site using simple cut and
your own guestbook with
first class spam protection.
almost everything, from
paste code. Modify the look
HostedScripts Guestbook.
You can even enforce spam
colors to entries layout,
and color scheme of your
Features include: Custom
protection by adding a
define your own fields, and
guestbook anytime.
Design with specific colors,
captcha image or block words
it's still very easy to
fonts, and more, All
and IP addresses.
setup and maintain with any
messages that users want to
the great set of options to
number of entries.
keep private are
make your guestbook fir in
pre-moderated or protected
automatically emailed
with your site's design
mode, IP bans and spam
directly to you, You can
perfectly. Guestbooks are
filters helps to keep your
specify what information you
ad free and the only
guestbook clean.
want users to give you when
commercials shown are on the
they sign your guestbook,
admin page.
The guestbook is broken up
into multiple pages so that
you don't have to always
scroll down, and Through the
administration, you can
quickly modify your
guestbook, remove posts, and
Date: Jun, 23 2003 Date: Nov, 22 1999 Date: Oct, 10 2006 Date: Jan, 19 2006 |