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Free Web-based Autoresponder

Hits: 709


Hits: 585

Auto-Reply by remote

Hits: 196
People who send messages to
This remotely hosted service
Affordable Email Marketing
Auto-Reply features: Sends
your BiondoResponder address
will automatically send
and Email List Management,
your visitors a personalized
will receive an immediate
followup emails to your
101EmailPro provides a
(yet automated) reply to
response. They will receive
prospects. It features:
cost-effective, high yield,
their mail, You can
subsequent emails, which you
Web-Enabled Account Manager
easy-to-use email list
customize Auto-Reply to let
supply, each week after
for quick & easy account
management tool.
your visitors
their first message. This
setup and maintenance, Up to
"click" a checkbox
allows you to follow up on
ten automatic followup
if they want information to
hesitant prospects, provide
messages, Activity logs
be sent, Highly customizable
follow-up services to new
emailed to you every night
and updateable, Use it to
members, and provide a
showing you the list of
inform your visitors of
number of automated tasks
address that have requested
noteworthy information,
which would otherwise have
information from your
specials, or just to
to be done manually.
autoresponder. Full real
personally thank them for
time activity stats, All
their time, and Provides
messages sent to your
Full URL redirection.
Autoresponder are forwarded
DIRECTLY to your email
account, Automatic
personalized responses,
Automatic deletion of follow
up messages by user or
receiver, and more.

Date: Apr, 16 2003

Date: Sep, 23 1999

Date: Jun, 18 2003

Date: Sep, 07 1999
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