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CGI For Me: Counter

Hits: 797

CGISpy.com Counters

Hits: 293

Cool Marquee Hit Counters

Hits: 298

Counter Service

Hits: 315
This is a simple image-based
An image-based counter
Our newest and coolest
ASMHosting.com offer free
counter that displays the
service that you can use to
counters. These counters
unlimited hit counter
amount of people visiting
track the number of visits
scroll two messages and the
services for all. Including
your page, every time
it gets. Each time someone
visitor number. there is no
Page count and download
somebody visits your page
visits your page, the number
programming required. Just
counts you can customise the
the image goes up by one
on the counter will go up by
copy and paste the script.
display or our site to how
(1). The counter increases
one. You can choose from a
That's it! It's a great
you want it - you can even
each time the page is loaded.
number of different font
eye catcher, drawing the
make it hidden! Logging
styles for the numbers. You
visitors eyes to a personal
everything about your
can make as many counters as
message inputted by you.
visitors including IP
you want, change the value
Promote Website Attractions.
address, page views, Screen
to any number, and even
There are seven text colors
Size, OS etc etc this is a
disable the counter from
to choose from.
powerfull free service.
counting reloads on your

Date: Jul, 29 1999

Date: Oct, 23 2000

Date: Jul, 23 2004

Date: Dec, 20 2004
Counter4all is a free counter
You free Webcounter ! No only
Counters.CC features a free
How much traffic do you get
service that offers
counter users online ,
counter for your website. It
in a month? Join now for
comprehensive website
unique visitors and
has many detailed functions
free and have your counter
statistics in less than 10
pageviews , we display the
like number of visitors,
up and running in seconds.
country name and flag from
referrers, search engine
users in your page !
search terms used to find
your website, operating
systems used, screen
resolutions used, and even
more. You can choose from
multiple skins for the
counter, or have an
invisible counter!

Date: Jul, 11 2000

Date: Sep, 08 2005

Date: May, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 02 2004
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