Watch your website visitors
MiniBox is a free, remotely
We host a copy of PJIrc which
MyTagBoard.Net allows you to
as they browse your pages,
hosted advanced shoutbox
enables you to connect to
provide your visitors with
know which page their are
driven by AJAX, with
any IRC server without
real-time discussion without
currently viewing, and offer
features including tabbed
installing a client on your
the complexity of forums.
live chat to help them
private messaging, avatars
complete the order and
and a very comprehensive
answer their critical
control panel that allows
questions, all in real-time.
for easy color changing with
Help your visitors live
a color chooser,
instead of using emails.
Client is flash. No download
required. No installation.
censoring, bans, registered
Simple copy and paste html
users, custom smileys
code. Features include:
(emoticons) and much more.
real-time website visitor
It is implemented by merely
monitoring, live chat,
pasting a small code-snippet
invite for chat, custom chat
or can be viewed on a hosted
window, push pages, chat
page (hosted at
with up to 5 visitors for
simultaneously. Multiple
private boxes. With
operators supported.
refresh times as low as 1
Recognize repeat visitor.
second (premium version),
Get search
the only complaint about the
fact that the shoutbox is
information. Real-time chat
PHP-driven is also done away
technology (no page
with and users enjoy the
refresh). Online/offline
advantages of instant
status. Receive offline
messaging, standard
messages by e-mail. Save and
shoutboxes and IRC in one
send chat sessions by email.
extremely streamlined
View chat history of
package. Planet MiniBox
visitor. IP/Country of the
can truly rightfully claim
visitor. And much more.
to be the home of the
world's leading (and most
advanced) shoutbox. Visit
com/home/en-us/features.p hp
for more information.
Date: Dec, 19 2005 Date: Oct, 06 2006 Date: Mar, 14 2006 Date: Jan, 19 2005 |
Voice and Video Chat -
ShoutMix offers shoutbox with
This is the best tagboard
Free, simple & cool - Live
full multi-lingual support,
ever !!
shoutbox. Let your website
Interactive Voice and ...
smileys, theme/skins, and
Everything is
visitors leave comments or
Live Interactive Voice and
much much more. You can get
customizable Absolutely
talk to each other.
Video Entertainment,
a shoutbox up and running
everything !!
Communicate in a voice
easily in just a minute or
video chat community,
two. Everything is
and participate inevents,
customizable via clicks
games, and entertainment
only, no hassle for
Date: Jan, 10 2005 Date: Jun, 14 2005 Date: Feb, 19 2005 Date: Sep, 30 2002 |