Gixen is a completely free
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Date: Nov, 21 2006 Date: Jan, 08 2006 Date: Jun, 28 2006 Date: Apr, 26 2005 |
e-QMS system covers three
eStEaL is a free for a
A Q Lister is an easy to use
Kaqoo Auction Software
sepecific areas:
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limited time online auction
eBay Listing tool that
provides you with an
RFQ system is designed for
sniper, created as eBay
allows new or experienced
immediate online auction, up
specifically for
auction bid sniper software,
eBay sellers to create and
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Manufacturing companies to
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automate their core
bidding and auction watch.
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and sellers, running on your
purchasing activities. It
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The Live Bid system is
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completely customizable to
designed for online bidding
the click of your mouse. New
your design. No database
on multiple line items by
themes are being added all
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suppliers tough either
the time. -- Set your
technical side whilst you
reverse open or closed
listing preferences (price,
concentrate on running your
* Both of above
start time, etc.) -- For
auction. Utilizing the Kaqoo
systems intergrate with the
Windows, Unix or Mac users.
software provides a complete
Supplier Management system,
turnkey solution. This
that allows your purchasing
script has been written from
experts to profile
the bottom up and is not
information on all your
just another re-hashed
suppliers in a standard
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the real deal. Kaqoo is the
easiest auction software to
use, both for customers and
for administrators.
Available in US & UK
English and German (75%).
Kaqoo includes all the
variables you would expect
and continues to be
developed with FREE lifetime
upgrades available to all.
Date: May, 25 2005 Date: Nov, 12 2005 Date: Aug, 23 2004 Date: Jun, 09 2006 |