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XML and Python


Intro to PYX

Hits: 1105

xml_pickle and xml_objectify

Hits: 855
XML is a fairly simple
This column presents some of
As part of the ongoing quest
This is the beginning of a
format. It uses plain
the changes to the author's
to create a more seamless
short series on creating a
Unicode text rather than
previous module suite,
integration between XML and
software repository system
binary encoding, and all the
utilities for high-level
Python, this article
built on Web services and
structures are declared with
Python handling of XML
presents the xml_pickle
developed in the Python
predictable-looking tags.
documents, as well as some
module. The author discusses
programming language. This
Nonetheless, there are still
tips on advanced aspects of
the design goals and
article shows you the
enough rules in the XML
using and customizing the
decisions that went into
details of using the 4Suite
grammar that a carefully
modules. Code samples
xml_pickle and provides a
open-source XML server with
debugged parser is needed to
demonstrate py_obj._XML
list of likely uses.
Python to create Web
process XML documents -- and
attributes, node attributes
service-based applications.
every parser imposes its own
treated as objects and
particular programming
lists, py_obj magic
style. An alternative is to
attribute behavior, and more.
make XML even simpler. The
open-source PYX format is a
purely line-oriented format
for representing XML
documents that allows for
much easier processing of
XML document contents with
common text tools like grep,
sed, awk, wc, and the usual
UNIX collection.

Date: Mar, 05 2002

Date: Jun, 21 2001

Date: Dec, 18 2001

Date: Mar, 23 2001
The first two installments of
This article illustrates the
this column provided an
principle features of the
overview of working with XML
Python language, and then
in Python. In the year since
examine the XML processing
those initial writings,
capabilities of Python.
however, the state of XML
tools for Python has
advanced significantly.
Unfortunately, most of these
advances have not been
backwards compatible. This
special installment article
revisits the author's
previous discussion of XML
tools, and provides
up-to-date code samples.

Date: Jun, 20 2001

Date: Nov, 06 2000
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