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Introduction to Python


Five Minutes to a Python CGI

Hits: 902

TechiWarehouse Python Tutorial

Hits: 272

Writing CGI Programs in Python

Hits: 228
This is a quick overview of
Along with several other
This is probably the socond
Python has a very extensive,
Python script language.
popular scripting languages,
best tutorial on the web on
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Python is an excellent tool
Python. Why second best you
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comparison to other
for scanning and
ask? Simple because
a large variety of useful
scripting languages, Using
manipulating textual data.
www.python.org has already
functions. The
the Python CGI Module,
This article summarizes
done such a wonderfull job
Internet-related collection
debugging, and more.
Python's text processing
on thier tutorial. But if
is particularly impressive,
facilities for the
you want to get your hands
with modules to deal with
programmer new to Python.
dirty from the start, you
everything from parsing and
The article explains some
may want to take a whack out
retrieving URL's to
general concepts of regular
our Python tutorial thats
retrieving mail from POP
expressions and offers
assembled for the beginners.
servers and everything in
advice on when to use (or
between. Main topics
not use) regular expressions
include: Why should my next
while processing text.
CGI project be in Python?
Your First CGI program in
Python, Getting some real
work done, Defining a useful
Display function, Putting
the pieces together, and
Simple Database Access.

Date: Jan, 08 2001

Date: Mar, 05 2002

Date: May, 03 2004

Date: Jul, 13 2000
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