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Web Developers



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Zipline Interactive

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Hits: 362
We offer professional
Asking the right questions is
From web design, intranet
Creating code to make your
services at fair prices with
the first step in finding
system development, online
site functional, while still
an unmatched level of
the right answers. Our
marketing, e-commerce and
remaining beautiful. We
quality and personal
process of questioning and
content management services.
pride ourselves on creating
service. Our services:
planning lays the foundation
We are professional web
sites that are not only
for a more effective
design company based in
extremely functional, and
customizations, Script
solution. The result is
London. We provide one stop
usable, but also graphically
installations &
equal parts form and
solutions for all your
pleasing to the eye.
upgrades, Custom script
function. Zipline
websites needs.
development, Website design
specializes in developing
and development.
integrated branding
Supported technologies:
solutions including
marketing plans, corporate
JavaScript, AJAX, C#, Java,
identity, product packaging
Perl, SQLite, CSS, XML, SSI,
and web design &
Ruby on Rails, etc... We
development. Our idea of a
are proudly to be the
business relationship
authorized installation and
involves listening and
customization services
collaboration. We are as
provider of ESoftPRO. If
personally invested in our
you're interested in
projects as you are in your
starting a project, please
business. This shared
contact us with questions or
passion for what we do,
for a free estimate.
along with years of
Thanks for checking out
marketing and design
our work, and we hope to
experience, create solutions
hear from you soon.
that work.

Date: Nov, 01 2006

Date: Oct, 31 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Oct, 23 2006
At iPrimal Industries, we
Developers Licenses available
Web programmer working out of
We program Web PHP programs
value not only hard work and
for Social networkimg,
Saint Paul office, with over
and also do web designs for
dedication to your projects
dating, link manager with
nine years of experience
any client. We are based in
quality, ease of use and
link import, real estate
developing advanced web and
Saskatchewan, Canada and
what matters most to you,
scripts with developers
database applications.
have many clients which use
but we also value YOU as a
license, fast track your
Available for contract
our php services for driving
person! We know you want
project now. datecomm dating
projects, offering services
their websites. Check us
the best website for your
and community portal is a
in PHP, MySQL, Postgres,
out and if you have any
company or personal needs,
social newtork script. We
JavaScript, DHTML, CSS.
questions do not hesitate to
so thats why we use top of
also do custom projects to
contact us.
the line programming
your description. Coding
languages, like PHP, with an
Teams on Standbuy. All
excellent database, like
scripts are Created in php
MySQL, to create the world
and mysql for linux, unix,
renound website quality your
all windows. Only 1
company can impress your
database. Best of all can be
customers with. If your not
used on many types of
satified, we're not
servers, including Apache
satisfied. So, why not see
running on Linux, BSD or
what we're made of by
MacOS X, Microsoft IIS or
clicking the vistit link on
Apache running on Windows.
the side and open up a whole
The only requirements are
new world for your
that PHP 4.1.0 or above and
customers? Impress your
MySQL 3.1.10 or above are
customers not only with your
installed on your webserver.
products, but with a
Hot social netwoking,
professionally designed
develop your way, see if you
website thats easy to use
can develop the 25 to 40 age
and not graphic intesive
group hangout,like
(Easy on 56K modems), and
myspace.com did for the 18
increase your sales by even
to 25's with music. Selling
50% or MORE!
at a fraction of development
costs. We can also manage
your exclusive project, our
experiance will make it
easier and cost effective,
we have coders and coding
teams ready to quote you.

Date: Oct, 22 2006

Date: Oct, 18 2006

Date: Oct, 18 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2006
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