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simple redirection

Hits: 767
There are many useful
For designer who use many
This short tutorial shows you
Give a professional touch to
functions in PHP. Refresh
html files for his/her site
how to redirect UserAgents
your site learing how to
function is a real focus and
to specific browser, this is
with PHP and still getting
redirect your website users
helps to us to redirect
just a sample you can
indexed by Google!
basing the choice on the
apage or refresh page
customise by yourself.
language that is set in the
itself. Let's see it in
action. .

Date: Aug, 31 2006

Date: Dec, 06 2000

Date: Aug, 08 2003

Date: Apr, 03 2006
Learn how to make auto
Learn how to use HEADER
redirection with PHP. There
functions to redirect the
is nothing much to learn,
users web browser
just a little code.
transparently using PHP.

Date: Mar, 12 2003

Date: Aug, 20 2002
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