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/** Search */

News Publishing


latest news site

Hits: 890

PHP/MySQL News with Comments

Hits: 878
This is a simple news
This example shows how to
In this tutorial, you will
This tutorial will teach you
tutorial that allows someone
create a database to store
learn the concepts behind
how to deal with MySQL
to create, update and delete
the latest news items, add
building a news system with
database using php, you will
news and have it displayed
your news stories via a
PHP and MySQL.
add, view, edit &
when a visitor views a page
form, and display the 10
delete data. A live example
i.e. like the home page of
latest news items on a page.
included (News
this website.
A useful example for those
System). Don't waste your
with websites that post lots
time, start reading this
of news items.
tutorial now. Trust me you
will never find such one.

Date: Nov, 25 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005
This is part one in a three
Have you ever wanted to
This tutorial will teach you
This is part two in a series
part series on creating a
create a dynamic news
how to build a news script
on creating a news system
news system with PHP. This
manager? Instead of updating
for your website, giving you
with PHP. This second
first installment will teach
those html files, then
a break from uploading files
installment will expand on
you how to create a very
uploading everytime you want
every time there's news.
our simple news system that
simple news system using
to add some news? In this
Includes how to build a
only used a file for
only a file as storage.
tutorial we are going to
database-driven script and a
storage. We will continue
create something which will
textfile-driven script.
with only a file, but add in
hopefully make news
editing and deletion
publishing more effecient.

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Jan, 02 2004

Date: Aug, 08 2002

Date: Apr, 19 2005
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