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Mailing List Management


Building an Opt-in Email List

Hits: 787


Hits: 767
This helpful tutorial shows
a simple tutorial showing you
ListMaster is system that
Effective adminstration of a
you how to build an opt-in
the benafits of useing to
allows for bulk e-mailing.
Web site can ensure that
email list in PHP. It covers
mail() function, will also
It's an easy way to keep in
site's success. Many
validating email addresses,
expand showing you more
touch with your current
developers are seeking
checking for duplicate email
advance technques to play
customers to let them know
technologies to achieve this
addresses, adding to a
with this function.
about the things that are
success and make their jobs
mailing list, and changing a
going on in your business.
more streamlined. One way to
strings case.
It's especially useful when
do this is to use the
used to keep you ahead of
powerful and popular
your competition. ListMaster
combination of PHP and
provides the ability to send
MySQL. This tutorial will
HTML newsletters without
help you design and deploy a
knowing HTML. Anyone who can
simple yet useful Web-based
use a word processor can
email (Mailing List
effectively use ListMaster!
Management) administration

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Nov, 21 2006

Date: Sep, 28 2006

Date: Apr, 28 2000
This tutorial explains how to
In this tutorial, you will
Explains how to link to
This tutorial with revised
send email to multiple users
learn to create the admin
inside every opt-in mail
code shows you how to send
whose email addressed stored
send mail form. It shows you
list email to allow
email to multiple recipients
in a Mysql database.
how to use a loop to send
subscribers to easily and
using loops.
the mail instead of simply
automatically unsubscribe
separating the cc email
from the list.
addresses by commas. It also
allows you to choose to send
to everyone on the list, or
send to only one specific
recipient on the list.

Date: Jun, 01 2004

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Jan, 05 2000
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