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Guestbook How-To

Hits: 2652


Hits: 1914
This tutorial covers all
Guestbook is one of the most
This is a very simple
A powerfull guestbook, run
aspects needed to make a
common feature for a website
guestbook tutorial
without mysql. Entries with
simple guestbook using PHP
and this tutorial will teach
consisting of how to write
smiles and some more
and MySQL. Aswell, Afmanuk
you how to create your own
an html form, get the form
options. With admin menu,
is dedicated to PHP
guestbook using PHP and MySQL
to insert data in mysql and
delete entries, add a
tutorials and Web Security
then displaying the form
comment. block ip/ block
using PHP.
with a basic mysql query.
email for spammer. Badword
The result is a simple
filter and some more option.
guestbook which just
Support the PHP mail
displays the name and a
function and Send mail via
comment of the visitor.
SMTP . incl a counter

Date: Dec, 07 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2004

Date: Mar, 02 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2004
Shoutboxes have become a
Feedback is very valuable to
A Christian Themed Guestbook
popular way to leave
not only the web designers,
that prints a random bible
messages at a site.
but to other visitors as
verse on each page, and
well. This tutorial shows
sends an email to the site
you how to create a script
admin. Feature an admin
that will display comments
backend for removing posts,
from users, and allow users
and sets up in minutes.
to post their own comments.
The script is very secure
because it converts HTML and
Javascript to text. It
allows the use of BBCode for
user designated formatting.
The script is written in
PHP, and uses a MySQL table
to store all the
information. Can be used on
an unlimited number of
pages. Looks great, but
styling can be changed by
editing the css in the
script. Easy setup.

Date: Mar, 04 2004

Date: Nov, 03 2004

Date: Mar, 29 2004
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