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Flash and PHP


Flash & PHP: A Text Search

Hits: 249

Flash MX and Unicode

Hits: 799
This tutorial will show you
This is a continuation of
This tutorial show how to
With Flash MX and the Flash 6
how to create a contact form
creating a contact form with
combine PHP and Flash into
plug-in, we finally have
in Flash and tie it in to
Flash and PHP.
one seamless package and
unicode support in Flash.
create search engine of
This makes it a viable tool
sorts that will look through
to display text in languages
a text file and return the
other than English,
results of that search to
including all Euro-languages
the Flash movie.
with accents, Middle Eastern
right-to-left scripts and
many Asian Languages like
Japanese, Chinese, Korean
etc. There are more than a
few pitfalls to this process
though and this tutorial
irons them out.

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Dec, 27 2000

Date: Jun, 10 2002
This introductory article
The author writes "The
This tutorial discusses Flash
describes how to create SWF
scope of this tutorial
Forms interaction in general
and flash files on the fly
covers jpg to swf creation,
Attach contact form and
with the server and shows
using PHP and database.
with a little bit of
allow your visitors to send
and example of sending email
movieclip sprites with Ming.
you files and email messages
from flash. However, the
I know that with Flash MX we
to your inbox. These forms
sending email part is just a
now have direct support for
are easy to use. You don't
small element of the
importing jpg files at
need Flash or any
tutorial. It clears up the
runtime, but if you have
programming knowledge. Just
meaning of Flash Forms and
worked with any server-side
make a small change in the
how they are similar and yet
language before (especially
PHP code and put the files
different from HTML forms.
PHP), then you will write
up on your site. The file
off the client-side Flash
size limit is set by your
solution almost
server and can be increased
by contacting your host.
Your visitors will be
reinforced by looking at
their pictures before they
send them. Also send MP3's
or any other file type by
adding file extensions in
the .FLA. If you have Flash
8, you can make any changes
you like to the design,
increase the number of text
fields, and add your logo.
However, you don't even need
Flash at all to make this
work great on your site.

Date: Jan, 11 2001

Date: Jun, 10 2002

Date: Jan, 07 2007

Date: Jan, 27 2003
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