
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

File Manipulation


Reading Text Files Using PHP

Hits: 553

Image Uploader

Hits: 662

Displaying a files extension

Hits: 505
Following on from Simple Text
Create a basic script for
In your PHP scripts at some
Displaying a files extension
Storage With PHP, when using
allowing users to upload
stage you may wish or need
flat-file storage you also
images to your website
to completely change the
need to pull the data from
directory in which to look
the text files. This
in - for examples the
tutorial will explain how to
directory to look for files
extract a piece of
to include. This tutorial
information from a text file
shows you how to change dir
and display it.
for file inclusion.

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Dec, 24 2005

Date: Aug, 02 2005

Date: Jul, 30 2005
How to use PHP includes in
This tutorial tell you how to
This is a basic tutorial that
Nowadays, PHP programmers
your scripts
create a file upload script
will show you how to
generally use databases such
on your server using php,
generate multiple pages of
as MySQL to do everything,
javascript. The code is
data from a txt file.
however, every programmer
available for free.
should at least know the
basics of reading and
writing to files - that IS
what a database does. Come
read an all you need to know
introduction to file

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Jun, 01 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Jan, 10 2005
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