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Building a PHP Counter

Hits: 258

Creating Image Counter

Hits: 896
By keeping track of how many
Build your own newsletter
This tutorial will help you
PHP Magix presents a complete
people visit your website,
script using the power of
build and understand how a
guide on creating a counter,
you can get some idea of how
php and mysql, users can
counter that only counts
from simple text counter to
to improve your website as
subscribe to this newsletter
unique visitors works.
graphical counter a la
the hits start to increase.
and also unsubscribe, script
Bravenet. All explained.
Adding a basic PHP text
checks if there is user
counter is quite easy and we
already exists and more
will take you through each
step. Tutorial and full
script to download and
implement on your website.

Date: Feb, 09 2005

Date: Feb, 27 2005

Date: Aug, 14 2002

Date: Nov, 26 2005
This shows how to create a
This tells the user their IP
This is a short tutorial on
About as straightforward as a
slightly more attractive
Address, Referrer and
how to make your own simple
counter can get - counts up!
counter using counter art
Browser name. It also stores
hitcounter in PHP.
adds one every time someone
available . More interesting
it at the same time so you
loads the page!
than a plain text counter
can view your visitors
but no more difficult to
after. Simple add it onto
your index file using the

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Jun, 08 2005

Date: Jul, 20 2001

Date: Jul, 13 2006
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