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Hits: 214

PHP by example

Hits: 525
Isn't it great to go to a web
This is a simple example of
Throughout two separate parts
Need help removing un-wanted
site and it appears as
photo-gallery script, which
in this series, the author
characters from your php
though it was designed just
uses MySQL table (BLOB
demonstrates step by step
text form strings. Here's
for you. This 3-page article
field) to store images.
the fundamental principles
how to strip a string of all
will help you design a web
Trivial password-protection,
of PHP in an original
symbols and Non-Alphanumeric
site which makes visitors
uploading and deleting
real-world Web site example.
characters from your forms
feel like it was designed
images are supported. For
The Part 1 offers the basics
or database with
just for them using PHP and
Apache-version of PHP there
of PHP and features a
is advanced browser-caching
Webzine that includes an
support (using
author's page where content
If-Modified-Since header).
providers can enter the text
of articles, as well as a
front end for presenting
this content to the world.
In Part 2 of this series,
you'll be shown the delivery
module presents a menu of
stories to the reader, and
how the authoring module
permits authors to submit
stories to a Webzine.

Date: Nov, 03 2000

Date: Nov, 14 2006

Date: Feb, 02 2001

Date: Dec, 03 2006
When you run a
This tutorial explains how to
The author writes
This example shows how you
database-driven website, it
identify IE4+ or NS4+ on a
"PHPLIB templates can
can create a remotely hosted
makes sense to generate
windows 32 bit platform (all
grant you an amazing ability
script that will display
pages on the fly. PHP,
else is
to abstract the manipulation
links on a site. The script
MySQL, and Apache let you do
of data (in the database as
is created on a site with
just that. But they don't
and include different html
well as in PHP) from its
php scripting and the a
make it pretty. How many
Web pages for different
final format, whether that
single line of JavaScript
times have you had to create
browser types using PHP.
format is HTML, XML, WML, or
code allows the content to
a URL that looks like this:
a formatted e-mail, and some
be displayed on other sites
of these ways will be
, they dont require PHP.
explored here."
Create links once and copy
to all of your sites.

Date: Jan, 21 2000

Date: Jun, 29 2003

Date: Mar, 12 2001

Date: Apr, 18 2005
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