Just a quick and simple web
Installing a Mambo
User Personalization is a
This article describes how to
site demo. i use it for
Installing a Mambo
must-know and must-have for
create an online database of
quick install, or as a back
Installing a Mambo
any site thats wants to make
movie entries to practice
up site is i break the
Installing a Mambo
it somewhere. It customizes
incorporating PHP templates
mysql. many reasons i wrote
Installing a
the user's experience,
into your web sites.
it. some web hosts don't
Mambo Template
causing them to just plain
have sql database. Another
'like' your site better.
one is my site looks for
Learn the basics of making
mysql pages to load if it
such as system in PHP.
does not exist it looks for
php pages, then static
pages, if none are found it
displays 404. This will
cover the static page part
of the function.
Date: Feb, 05 2006 Date: Feb, 05 2006 Date: Jan, 06 2006 Date: Jan, 06 2006 |
If you want to seperate PHP
If you want to seperate
Lots of screenshots and hand
This tutorial details the
from HTML, you need some
PHP-code from HTML-code, you
holding, if you are looking
steps involved in installing
kind of template engine.
need some kind of template
to find out how Mambo
the Perl module
vlibTemplate is a template
system. TinyButStrong (TBS)
templates 'work' this is for
HTML-Template on a
engine. vlibDate easily adds
provides such a system. This
non-standard Linux
and substract date values.
is a short crash course for
directory. This type of
You can format date values
TinyButStrong. The german
installation is necessary
in different languages
tutorial is more detailed,
when you have no access to
(german, english, french,
but both refer to the same
spanish and so on). All
examples. It will teach you
examples are written in
how to use TBS fields and
english. The tutorials are
TBS blocks. Some simple and
written in german and
more complicated examples
english. The tutorial will
are provided. You will learn
teach you how to use
how to use TBS with MySQL,
template variables, blocks
too. TBS documentation is
and loop structures. It will
available in english, german
give a short example of
and french.
modular programming. Some
simple and more complicated
examples are provided. You
will learn how to use
vlibTemplate with MySQL, too.
Date: Nov, 26 2005 Date: Oct, 05 2005 Date: Jul, 04 2005 Date: Apr, 24 2005 |