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Date and Time


Javascript Date Function

Hits: 1719

Online Countdown Timer

Hits: 1032

JavaScript Date object

Hits: 1192
Both the date and time is
This simple script shows time
Display the current time with
Complete listing of
accessed from the Javascript
in the following
this simple piece of code.
properties and methods of
Date() function. Learn the
the Date object of
basics of this functions to
JavaScript. Also includes
add simple date and time
information to your website.

Date: Sep, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 21 2006

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Oct, 01 2004
A simple function to greet
Learn how to calculate the
Learn how to use JavaScript
You could use your status bar
the user, according to the
difference between two dates
to manipulate and display
to display the time and
hour. Comments in
in JavaScript, and in the
the current time and date.
date. You might also use it
spanish. Happy hacking!
process, derive some useful
to display mouse-over text
applications such as
or a welcome message. View
counting down to a
the source of the demo page
particular event, counting
for the source code.
up, displaying what's new on
your page etc.

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Sep, 10 2002

Date: Aug, 22 2002

Date: Apr, 09 2002
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