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Hits: 747
A simple, yet decent
XMLtoANY is a free servlet
The author writes "This
relatively good looking
that uses XSLT to provide
utility is going to replace
sortable grid. Sample code
content from XML source and
Properties files as I feel
uses a xmlSelect class to
XSL stylesheet. Depending on
they are limited. SO I
query data from a JDBC
incoming device request,
created a way to send an
database and return xml.
XMLtoANY converts XML source
XPATH call into this utility
JSTL transform tags are used
into content (HTML, WML,
and get configuration
to show usage with few lines
XML, etc) viewable for the
parameters from an XML file.
of code to employ. The XSLT
device. XML source could be
Any feedback would be
template could be usage with
local or remote (i.e : from
greatly appreciated."
many other languages. Visit
a content-provider).
the author's site for for
live demo, xmlSelect class,
and sample usage and
additional support material.

Date: Nov, 11 2002

Date: Jun, 04 2001

Date: Jan, 14 2002
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