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BPEL Cookbook

Hits: 2052
Ten practical real-world case
A practical guide to creating
"Java Tool
Geekarticles database of
studies combining business
and managing your own
Tutorials" is a free
technology with over 1200 in
process management and web
website with this proven
tutorial book based on notes
Java Technology which
services orchestration :
Java/JSP based content
and sample codes collected
includes Java Applets
-Real-world BPEL recipes
management system. This book
by the author while he was
Ebooks, Java Ebooks, EJB
for SOA integration and
takes you through the
learning Java tools himself.
Ebooks, EJB Tutorials, J2EE
Composite Application
process of creating content
Topics includes: book,
Ebooks, J2EE Tutorials, J2ME
development -Combining
rich websites and
breakpoint, class,
Ebooks, J2ME Tutorials, J2SE
business process management
applications using OpenCms.
classpath, debugging, free,
Tutorials, Java Swing
and web services
Although powerful and
import, java, javac, jar,
Articles, Java Web Services,
orchestration -Techniques
flexible, OpenCms can be
jdb, J2SE, JDK, JPDA, notes,
JDBC Help, Jini Tutorials,
and best practices with
daunting on first approach,
source, sourcepath, thread,
JMS Tutorials, JSP Ebooks
downloadable code samples
but its advanced features
tutorials. Key sections:
and Tutorials, Servlets
from ten real-world case
reward the investment in
'javac' - The Java Compiler
Articles and Java FAQS.
studies Who this book is
learning. This book does not
- "-sourcepath" -
written for? This book is
cover extending the
Specifying Source Path -
aimed at architects and
operations of OpenCms with
"-d" - Specifying
developers building
Java development. The focus
Output Directory -
applications in Service
is on OpenCms as a complete
Oriented Architecture. The
CMS platform in itself. It
Statements - 'java' - The
book presumes knowledge of
does use some JSP for
Java Launcher -
extensions where required.
"-classpath" -
services, and multi-tier
This book
Specifying Class Path -
covers -Installing OpenCms,
"-jar" -
and its basic concepts
Executable JAR Files -
-Using the OpenCms Workplace
"-X" Options to
to manage and publish your
Control Memory Size -
content -Managing projects,
"javaw" -
user accounts, databases,
Launching Java Applications
and modules -Working with
without Console - 'jdb' -
the VFS and search
The Java Debugger -
-Understanding and using
Attaching "jdb" to
tasks and workflows
Running Applications -
-Working with templates and
Debugging Commands -
the OpenCms Tag Library.
Multi-Thread Debugging
Exercise - JAR File Format
and 'jar' Tool - JAR Files
Are ZIP Files - Adding
"manifest" to JAR
Files - Using JAR Files in
Class Paths - Creating
Executable JAR Files

Date: Oct, 31 2006

Date: Sep, 12 2006

Date: Feb, 13 2006

Date: Sep, 07 2005
This is a report of a
Beginning Java 2 has a
An overview of the new
The newest version of J2SE
graduate project. The
detailed introduction to the
server-side Java platform -
technology, v 1.3, delivers
purpose of this project was
Java Foundation Classes
Java 2 Enterprise Edition -
momentous performance gains
to examine whether the use
(JFC), a vast set of
as it relates to building
and improved Web deployment
of Java for games is
graphics functionality
n-tier web applications. It
for enterprise-grade,
advantageous compared to the
including Java2D and Swing,
covers the building blocks
client-side applications.
current languages of choice,
which makes developing
(Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC,
And just about everything
C and C++. This is not an
windowed applications much
RMI, JNDI, CORBA) then goes
else developers have been
easy question to answer, and
easier. It also covers the
into special design
asking for. This book is the
as you will see in the
new Collections API, a bunch
considerations for server
JDK 1.3 edition of the best
report, the answer will
of container classes for
side programming, (including
selling introductory Java 2
depend on several project
representing and handling
resource pooling and
book. It is a fast paced and
specific issues. The main
other Java objects, and has
component based design)
comprehensive tutorial
target group of the report
up-to-date coverage of
before finally discussing
introduction to application
is professional game
threads, serialization and
future design possibilities
development using Java. It
programmers with little or
JDBC 2.0. The revised
opened up by Jini and
is ideal for novice Java
no knowledge of Java, who
edition of the best-selling
JavaSpaces technology.
programmers who have some
wonder whether Java would be
introductory Java book
previous programming
beneficial in future
Beginning Java has been
exposure and are able to run
projects. The report
thoroughly updated for the
with the fast pace. Almost
generally assumes that the
Java 2 platform and the JDK
all new entrants to Java are
reader is skeptical about
1.2 release. The book still
coming from previous
Java. The focus of the
teaches Java from scratch,
programming experience.
report is on games intended
assuming only basic
for retail; not on Java
programming know-how and in
a tutorial format, but it
now takes a slightly
different route through the
Java class libraries.

Date: Jul, 17 2005

Date: Jun, 25 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2006
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