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Hits: 276


Hits: 1182
Flash presentations
Here you can find a list of
Ultrashock.com is a resource
The full-featured,
elaborated by the Another
Flash tutorials, flash (
site for Multimedia
World are nearly ideal. They
programmers and coders ) can
developers. It offers flash
browser-based, Flash,
are so flexible that a user
also sumbit there own made
news, mailing list, flas,
multimedia website builder
can learn everything about
asp tutorials for free.
interviews, competition and
enables small businesses,
you in detail. Due to our
professionals or just about
flash animation
anyone to create high
interactivity a visitor can
quality and compelling web
be a participant of your
sites in 3 simple steps. It
company presentation. Our
features hi-impact,
web design studio will
interactive, editable
exceed your audience’s
designs and pre-populated
expectations with a
sample text and images to
sophisticated and matchless
speed the creation of high
range of effects. They
quality sites. The most
include motion, sound and
enticing reason to use
interactivity. We can make
vSplash is that it brings
move anything!
solid industry-specific
intelligence to small
businesses. Greatly saves
your time, money and energy
involved in creating

Date: Aug, 12 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: May, 15 2001

Date: Aug, 14 2002
Do it yourself website
Web Jigsaw Promotion has a
Provides quality stock
WillsPage offers high
editing software with Flash,
comfortable interface and is
royalty free music, sounds
quality/ low cost web design
WYSIWYG content editing!!! -
able to create FLASH puzzle
and voice for use by
and components for your own
E commerce - Shopping carts
from any SWF, GIF or JPG
Multimedia designers, Sound
sites. From small business
- Web stores - Pay Pal -
image. Using the additional
Designers, Software
to individual websites,
Image gallery - CMS - Web
devise - remote control -
programmers, Web designers,
offers news, photo and event
Calendar - Message Board
you may rotate puzzle
Flash animators, Film makers
screens which can be updated
(bulletin Board) - Polls -
pieces. Also you have the
etc. Preview audio in
from any browser at any time
Chat - FAQ - Site Map - Form
ability to turn them over
streaming flash, pay via
for an amazingly low cost.
Builder - Stats Much More!!!
and create jigsaw on its
paypal and download
Screensavers are also
Design: • Group box
reverse side. The size of
immediately for use in your
available - allowing you to
enhancements: add icons to
the resulting picture
projects. Custom audio
update photos used in the
group box titles and new
puzzle, the number and the
service also available.
screensaver with ease
group box styles.
shape of the puzzle pieces
• Advanced layout settings:
are fully customizable.
go to "Design",
"advanced layout
settings" to adjust
your site spacing. Page
Editor/Components: • Side
bars: All layouts now have 2
side bars on the left and
right side of the page.
• Tabbed group box: Edit a
page, Add, Design Accents,
Tabbed Content. • Form
verification code: enable
option to require a code
displayed in an image to be
entered before a form is
submitted. This can help
prevent spam/automated form
submissions. To enable this
option, edit the form and
"Enable form
security". Ecommerce:
• Subscription
services/recurring billing
beta test

Date: Jan, 22 2006

Date: Mar, 31 2005

Date: Sep, 03 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2003
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