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Introduction to Flash


Scrollbar in Flash

Hits: 1547

Rollover button in Flash

Hits: 1457

Rollover button

Hits: 1392
Scrollbar is very popular in
In this tutorial you will see
In this tutorial you will see
Allways, when you import a
Flash. This tutorial
how to build a simple
how to build a simple
sound into a Flash, it seems
explains how to create
rollover button.
rollover button.
very "cool" and
simple scrollbar using
"grace". The sound
action script.
is very important when you
using it for some elements
in your web site (flash
menu, flash intro, some
presentation..), becouse it
makes your web site more
powerful and it will leave a
better impression. This
tutorial will teach you how
to import a sound into a
flash, how to create a
button wich will make a
sound on click. This
tutorial is for beginners
who have no experiance of
using Flash.

Date: Aug, 19 2006

Date: Jan, 12 2006

Date: Mar, 08 2006

Date: Aug, 22 2006
In this tutorial, we will
this page shows how to
By tweening shapes, you can
In this tutorial you have a
show you how to add, edit,
correctly use the pixel
create an effect similar to
chance to learn how to
and remove timeline effects.
fonts in macromedia flash
morphing, making one shape
create and apply a shadow
for best quality results.
appear to change into
and gradient effects on some
You will find some important
another shape over time.
picture, using flash
rules when working with
Learn how to creat a simple
filters. To create this
flash and pixel fonts, also
shape tween in Flash.
tutorial you'll need to use
we provide some locations
flash 8. This tutorials is
where you can download free
for peopel who have no
pixel fonts.
experiance of using Flash.

Date: Mar, 08 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Jul, 22 2004

Date: Aug, 16 2006
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