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Text Transformation Effect

Hits: 1850

Special Text Effect in Flash

Hits: 1762

Text effect - color changing

Hits: 1638

Text effect - light ball

Hits: 1637
This tutorial will show you
If you want to create a nice
In this tutorial, you will
This tutorial will show you
how create transformation
text effect you'll need to
learn how to create color
how to create light text
text effect, on a simple way
use the Action Script, whic
text effect in flash 8,
effect, using the
in flash 8, without Action
isnt very easy. This
using the mask.
"light ball" and
tutorial will learn you how
Action Script in flash 8.
to create in a easily way a
cool text effect without
Action Script. Let's go!

Date: Nov, 14 2006

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Nov, 30 2006

Date: Nov, 20 2006
See how to create dynamic
This tutorial will show you
This tutorial will learn you
In this tutorial I will show
picture effect in flash 8,
how to create a car blink
how to create advanced light
you how to plot some object
on a simple way, without
using Color Mixer Panel
effect using Action Script.
form from end to start and
Action Script.
without action script.
In this tutorial I will
when you finish with its
apply a light effect on some
plot, how to color it.
picture. This tutorial is so
complicated to explain, but
I'll try on to explain it on
the best way I can. To
create this tutorial you
must use a Flash 8.

Date: Dec, 08 2006

Date: Sep, 08 2006

Date: Aug, 18 2006

Date: Mar, 08 2006
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