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Advanced XML Menu

Hits: 704

Advanced zoom process

Hits: 1488

Animated Flash Menu

Hits: 899

Basic Xml Menu

Hits: 278
This is similar to the basic
Learn this tutorial, and see
This tutorial will teach you
This tutorial shows you some
XML menu, but with one key
how to zoom any picture,
how to make a Animated Flash
methods on how to make a
difference it has sub-menus.
object.... in flash 8 using
Menu using Action Script.
dynamic menu by loading and
This tutorial will also
the button and Action Script.
parsing an xml file. This
encapsulate the menu
tutorial will also cover
creation inside a function
using attachMovie effectivel
that uses parameters for
greater flexibility.

Date: Sep, 08 2004

Date: Nov, 04 2006

Date: Apr, 15 2006

Date: Sep, 08 2004
Learn this tutorial and see
In this tutorial you have a
There are many websites in
Learn how to call data from a
how to create advanced
chance to learn how to
the Internet built using
text file or other means
picture gallery using the
create blic picture galery,
Macromedia Flash technology.
into your flash text
Bevel Filter and Action
using Action Script.
You probably saw different
object. This step by step
Script in Flash 8.
types of scrolling on those
will help you from falsh4 to
websites. I would like to
flash MX.
show you one of the easiest
ways to create a scroll bar
with the mask. It may be
used not only for text
scrolling but you may also
put images into that

Date: Jan, 07 2007

Date: Oct, 18 2006

Date: Mar, 22 2005

Date: Aug, 18 2003
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