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ESA Progressive FLV Player - XML Driven


ESA Progressive FLV Player - XML Driven

Hits: 844
The most efficient and flexible way to add video to your HTML or Flash project. This component reads from a simple XML playlist that makes it easy to change your FLV files and titles without opening Flash. * Compatible with Flash 8 and MX 2004 * 3 distinct skin layouts provided with each package - 4:3 with and w/o playlist, and 16:9 with playlist * Plays single or multiple FLV files from an XML playlist that controls video location, order, title, length, thumbnail, and hyperlink * Progressive download means you can use this player on any website with any server (i.e. no need to set up a Flash Streaming Server) * Extremely small footprint (as small as 10 kb SWF file) * Built in API / v2 component architecture * Uses CSS stylesheets to control the appearance of all text * Additional skins are available * Comprehensive support and custom development services are available for this product!
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, Mac OSX
Date: May, 11 2006
Author: Earth Science Agency, LLC, http://components.earthscienceagency.com/components/flv_jukebox/


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