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Online Communities


Flash-db Message Boards

Hits: 487


Hits: 1042

Exposure for Artists

Hits: 359


Hits: 728
The Flash-db message boards
Shocked Flash Resource for
Exposure for Artists, is set
Flashgimp is an online
deal with all things
Tutorials, Downloads,
out to give the artists
resource site for
relating to the integration
Support, Links, and more.
exposure to knowledge and
Macromedia, Photoshop, Max,
of Flash MX / 2004 with
the industry. Our flash
2D, 3D, Flash, PHP scripting
server side scripts, flash
forum has industry pros and
& development for the
remoting, and database
usergroup managers that are
designers on the internet.
connectivity. Scripting
happy to help, also post up
topics discussed include
your sites in our critics
PHP, ASP, Coldfusion, Perl,
and JSP. Database
discussions include MySQL,
Access, MSSQL, and others.
Data management including
XML and Soap. Also
including a variety of other
topics ranging from Servers
to Javascripting.

Date: Sep, 08 2003

Date: Feb, 06 2003

Date: Nov, 07 2002

Date: Sep, 27 2002
The purpose of this community
FlashMXFiles.com is a
Best Flash Animation Sites
FlashMove is a Flash resource
is to provide a more
non-profit online Flash
showcase 5 sites displayed
site for all your macromedia
professional and serious
community site that offers
on the Vote Best Flash sites
flash needs. Site features
forum for designers and
discussion forum and
page depending on the amount
search engine, competitions,
developers to interact among
resources for Flash
of votes they receive. Each
tutorials, forum, links,
themselves and with
week five new suggested
mailing list, vote, and more.
employers. The focus is on
sites are added with the top
simplicity of use and quick
three previous weeks sites
loading. Features like file
added to the archive.
uploads and sharing would
soon be provided.

Date: Jul, 22 2002

Date: Jun, 10 2002

Date: Sep, 05 2001

Date: Jul, 09 2001
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