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Web Sites



Hits: 1998

UBB Developers Network

Hits: 433

Uninet Free Perl Scripts

Hits: 719
Tricup.com emphasizes on
Here you can find a list of
Formerly UBB Code Hacking
Uninet features 6 free Perl
affordable, easy to use and
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Hideout, UBB Developers
scripts such as guestbook,
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and Perl ( programmers and
Network is a vibrant
mailing list, form handler,
fully customizable cgi/php
coders ) can also submit
community of web developers
redirection script and
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there own made asp tutorials
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participate in active
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discussions. If you're
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looking for another great
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useful. This site is an
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Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Sep, 20 2000

Date: Jul, 27 1999
UPOINT provides A collection
UtilMind Solutions presents a
We offer a variety of
Web Applications, PHP/MySQL
of Perl scripts for Web and
set of freeware and
commercial and freeware
Advanced Solutions
WAP application.
shareware Perl CGI Scripts,
scripts. All scripts include
which can help webmasters to
free support and free
develop web sites more
upgrades. Commercial scripts
effective and save their
include free installation.
time. Available scripts
Demos available. We also
include discussion board,
offer inexpensive script
form processor, download
(CGI-Perl and PHP)
counter, mailing list
installation services.
manager, visitor counter and

Date: Nov, 01 2000

Date: Aug, 10 1999

Date: Apr, 09 2005

Date: Jan, 30 2004
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