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DirectX Programming

Hits: 1077
Tutorial and sample codes to
This snippet focuses on the
This article describes how to
A tutorial to help C++
calculate the distance
uses of the STL deque class
count the number of
programmers who are new to
between two locations. Free
in a recursive algorithm,
instances of a process that
DirectX get acquainted with
sample source codes in PHP,
namely to solve a maze.
are currently running on the
the libraries, in particular
ASP, ColdFusion, C/C++, C#,
system. It is written in C++
DirectDraw and DirectInput.
Java, Perl, Visual Basic and
for Windows, but could be
Javascript. Longitude and
ported to other systems and
latitude for United States
languages easily. (Linux,
ZIP Code and Canadian Postal
Visual Basic/VB, C, Unix,
Code are available in
MacOS) The system just needs
database subscription.
to support interprocess
semaphores. The idea can be
extended to count any
resource, such as a thread,
file, data structure, or
network object.

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Feb, 05 2006

Date: Oct, 20 2006

Date: Aug, 25 2001
This is a comprehensive
This tutorial will teach you
C# 2.0 introduces several
his one's basically shows
tutorial to guide newcomers
how to create some graphics
language extensions, the
that MACROS when used in
to game programming and
over C++ and Pascal. It
most important of which are
different compilers can give
Allegro through the process
requires some programming
Generics, Anonymous Methods,
different results. This one
of writing a simple game.
Iterators, and Partial
teaches you to analyse C++
Allegro is a game
Types. The language
code and read it in Assembly
programming library.
extensions in C# 2.0 were
and draw Conclusions about
designed to ensure maximum
the results. Really
compatibility with existing
interesting if you read it
code. For example, even
though C# 2.0 gives special
meaning to the words where,
yield, and partial in
certain contexts, these
words can still be used as
identifiers. Indeed, C# 2.0
adds no new keywords as such
keywords could conflict with
identifiers in existing code.

Date: Aug, 25 2001

Date: Aug, 25 2001

Date: Oct, 28 2003

Date: Feb, 05 2006
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