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Gazatem Technologies & Software

Hits: 3051

programmerpalace : asp section

Hits: 1869

Pentacle In-Out Board 6.10

Hits: 1795

Web Wiz Guide

Hits: 1398
Gazatem Technologies is a
a collection of resources for
Pentacle In-Out Board
Web Wiz Guide is a growing
webbased groupware company
ASP including downloads,
v6.03.0.1200. Pentacle is
web development site with
that used by a group of
links, articles , tutorials,
an in-out board for
ASP tutorials, FAQ's, and
developers who are working
scripts, source code and more
businesses and organizations
free ASP scripts including
on the same site but
that would like to know
Forum, Guestbook, Login, Hit
distributed in space. We
who's in and who's out of
counters, and more.
specialize in creating web
the office. It included
sites that load quickly, are
exclusive Sick leave
easy to use, and are
tracking system and Vacation
impressive-looking. Our
Tracking system. You can see
dynamic website projects and
who is in, out, busy, sick,
advanced application
vacation, lunch or dayoff.
development provide unique
Administrator can change the
user experience, resulting
skin of IN-OUT board and
in higher prospect
Post some news to your
conversion. We are providing
staff. Pentacle Gold let you
online content management
have full view of you
& publishment tools. Our
office, and know when they
web site publisher tools can
will have vacation or doctor
be used in small and medium
appointment. You can see how
sized web sites. Gazatem
many staff will take
Technologies has developed
vacation in specified month.
various content management
So it is easy to manage it.
systems to assist web site
It further has user
owners. Building a
attendance report with
professional website or
different output format.
business web application -
Multi-location and
using one of our products -
Multi-group are good
will make your business
features in which you can
operate more efficiently and
manage the specified office
increase its' value.
and/or department situation.
Clients using our
You have up to 50 user
management systems operate
capacity and up to 6 groups
more efficiently by
and 5 locations.
automating many labour
intensive process and by
enabling instantaneous
online access to content
from anywhere in the world.

Date: Sep, 08 2006

Date: Nov, 01 2005

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Mar, 09 2005
ASP scripts for developers
The ASP Emporium provides
ASP 101 provides a number of
Full source code download -
and programmers both free
over a dozen free and useful
sample codes, articles,
Auto Dealer website, ASP
and commercial. Categories
ASP scripts and applications
forum, news, and links for
App, allows auto dealer to
like ad management, Auction
for your Web site. Currently
Active Server Pages
easily manage their own
scripts, Blogs, Click
available programs include
inventory of vehicles on
Tracking and much more
ad management script,
their website. VBscript,
mailing list manager, site
CDONTS, Access Database!
news manager, survey and
Code: ASP 3.0 & VBScript
poll system, shopping cart,
user authentication, and
more. The site also provides
tutorials, tips, and links
to other ASP-related sites.

Date: Jan, 22 2005

Date: Jan, 17 2000

Date: Feb, 04 2000

Date: May, 03 2004
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