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/** Search */

Web Traffic Analysis


Building a Link Tracker

Hits: 430

DevASP Log file

Hits: 752

Referral tracking

Hits: 360

Statisticus, Why and How?

Hits: 768
This tutorial explains how to
Are you interested to know
Traffic is the key to a
This article focuses on basic
find out which links people
who came to your site? at
successful website. It
statistical analysis methods
are clicking on using ASP.
what time? and what was the
doesn't matter if you have
and techniques to implement
It works for internal links,
referring URL. Here is an
the greatest site in the
them into the web pages.
newsletters, and even links
example how to make a Log
world if nobody visits it.
Topics covered: Measurement
to other sites.
file for an ASP page to keep
One of the most important
Tools - Page Counters, Web
track of users on your site.
things you should do
Server Logs, Our Own
This Example use a text file
to increase your traffic is
Counter; Simple Statistics;
to write user information.
analyze where your current
Adding More Fields; Data
traffic is coming from. Is
Normalization, and sample
it search engines? Other
sites on the same subject?
The results are often
amazing! Once you locate
the sources of your traffic
you can start building
better ties to those sources
to increase your traffic.
This tutorial explains how
to track referrals to your
Web pages using ASP.

Date: May, 24 2000

Date: Jan, 21 2000

Date: Oct, 01 2000

Date: Sep, 03 2004
This tutorial, along with
This article describes a
This tutorial provides a
full source code, explains
simple, tracking system
simple solution to find out
how to store such statistics
using ASP that will collect
where your visitors are
as the page being viewed,
specific information from a
coming from. This example
the referring page, the
visitor which will give you
uses an Access database for
readers IP address, browser
a good idea as to who is
logging all of your visitors
and screen width for your
visiting your site and what
site visitors.
pages are viewed the most.
Source code available for

Date: Oct, 30 2000

Date: Mar, 18 2001

Date: Jan, 17 2001
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