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/** Search */

File Manipulation


Last Updated

Hits: 804

Link & Display Text Files

Hits: 801

read a file

Hits: 1686
A code snippet to display the
This example code
This tutorial explains
This is some sample code for
last modified date for any
demonstrates how to link and
opening, reading and
reading a file .
given file dynamically.
display text files within a
creating files using example
Every time the file is
single document in ASP.
codes. Up to 6 examples are
modified this info is
Using the title of the text
written into the file. The
files as hyperlinks, when
FSO knows just how to read
clicked the file name, the
that for you.
full contents of the
document will be displayed.
Very useful for making
copybooks and file layouts
available online.

Date: Jul, 16 2002

Date: Apr, 10 2001

Date: Jan, 14 2002

Date: Apr, 18 2005
This tutorial is aimed to
This article illustrates some
Building an upload file
Step-by-step tutorial on how
show you how it is possible
great uses of the File
mechanism on a Web server
to upload files (images,
to retrieve a remote file
System Object. It shows how
can often require using a
etc) from the client browser
via ASP and FTP without
to choose a drive to search,
costly DLL. Tiago Halm's
to the server hard disk
using a 3rd-party component.
and then builds a listbox of
article shows you how to
using plain ASP pages.
all the folders on that
upload a file using only
Complete application source
drive. Choose a folder and
Active Server Page (ASP)
code is available for
it builds a listbox of all
code and Internet Explorer.
download including the code
the files in that folder.
Sample code is provided.
to upload and display
Choose a File and it will
uploaded files to the user
display it in the browser or
in an eary to use and
prompt you to save the file
understand manner.
to your hard drive.

Date: Nov, 07 2005

Date: Jun, 14 2001

Date: Oct, 04 2000

Date: Jun, 17 2002
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