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/** Search */

File Manipulation


Creating Text files on server

Hits: 2160

Delete Files Online

Hits: 1989
Sometimes you need to copy
In VBScript language there is
If you want to copy some
Following active server pages
files to another folder.
no any function for
foldes to another folder,
code delete a file. Example
First you should require to
Input/Output on hard disk.
first create a File System
uses FileSystem object to
use FSO (File System
But you may use FileSystem
Object. CopyFolder method
delete the file. Do not
Object.) CopyFile method of
Object to create and edit
will help you to copy folder
forget to double check
FSO is the simplest way to
files on server. This is an
to another folder.
permissions for this
copy the files. Following
indirect technics to create
sample code will copy some
any file on server.
files to another folder.

Date: Jan, 25 2004

Date: Jan, 07 2007

Date: Jan, 25 2004

Date: Apr, 12 2004
ASP does not allow you to use
This is some sample code for
If you want to check a file
The author writes "A CSV
IO system to modify on files
reading a file .
exists, you may use this
(Comma Separated Values file
and folders. But with the
code. First we are starting
sometimes referred to as a
help of FileSystem object
script creating a copy of
flat file) is essentially a
you can delete any file on
File System Object. FSO has
text file that has a comma
your server. Do not forget
many useful methods. One of
delimiter between the table
to double check permissions
them is 'FileExists' that we
values and a unique line for
for this operation.
will use it now.
each observation. While
this is usually a means by
which data is transferred
from one database to another
by itself can be used as
input to an asp
document." This example
will show how to take
virtually any CSV file and
write it to an html table
using ASP.

Date: Apr, 12 2004

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Jan, 25 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2001
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