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Date and Time


VBScript Functions : DatePart()

Hits: 3151

Comparing Dates in ASP

Hits: 3022

Time Formatting with Now()

Hits: 1140

Insert Date into Access Database

Hits: 1885
With DatePart() function in
In this tutorial we will
When inserting a date into an
VBScript language you could
compare dates. We will use
Access database you should
take only some parts of
DateDiff function. You may
use the format YYYY-MM-DD.
current time and display/use
compare any two valid dates
Our function AccessDate
in your applications.
calculation year, day,
returns a date in YYYY-MM-DD
Following examples will show
month, week, minute ans
format. When working with a
you and give a brief on this
date in Access always use
function. .
the # delimiters in your SQL

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Mar, 02 2006

Date: Jan, 03 2006

Date: Dec, 13 2005
ASP has some very usefull
Have you ever wanted to
This tutorial will show you
Following example displays
functions to deal with date
format a date in your ASP
how to display the current
usage of setDate method in
and time : this tutorial let
pages (using VBScript) to
date with the ordinal suffix
JScript. 'setDate methods
you know more about how to
conform with RFC-822? These
e.g. Wednesday 12th May
sets the numeric date of the
ypou use it very easily.
are required for various
Date object using local time.
things but in particular
they are required format for
dates in RSS feeds. While I
was producing some RSS feeds
I couldn't find any
functions that converted ASP
dates to the required
formats so I created the
following functions to do it
for you

Date: Nov, 12 2005

Date: May, 27 2005

Date: Mar, 07 2005

Date: Apr, 20 2004
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