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/** Search */



Impression Counter (With a db)

Hits: 460

Simple Counter Using Graphics

Hits: 548

Simple Database Hit Counter

Hits: 553

Simple Text Counter

Hits: 947
What's behind an image? Just
This example is a simple
This short tutorial shows you
This example is a simple text
about anything you there to
counter using graphics to
how to write a simple
based counter that will only
be including a db. A typical
display the numbers that
database driven counter
show page views, not actual
image tag downloads an image
will only show page views,
using MS Access. Each step
visitors. It uses the File
to be processed by the
not actual visitors. It uses
is explained in detail.
Scripting Object to interact
browser an image tag that
the File Scripting Object to
with a text file. It first
references an active server
interact with a text file.
reads the current number in
page can do most anything
the file and adds one to it,
and output an image to be
then displays it as text on
displayed as the final
the page.
output to the user. This
example will add one to an
Access db (to count the
number of impressions). The
Access db will also add when
the impression occurred
automatically and redirect
will send the user to an
image to be displayed in the

Date: Nov, 21 1999

Date: Jun, 17 2002

Date: Nov, 14 2000

Date: Jun, 17 2002
This is a simple text-based
This example uses a flat text
visitor counter. It uses the
file to store the count .
IIS PageCounter object and
Shows the basics of file
only shows the total
usage in ASP.
(non-unique) number of hits.
This is as easy as it gets:
copy-paste 3 lines of code
into your page and you're

Date: Mar, 28 2002

Date: Apr, 18 2005
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