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/** Search */



text counter

Hits: 1458

Active users

Hits: 948
By implementing this code on
This example uses a flat text
This is a common feature on
Counting how many users you
your site, you can display
file to store the count .
websites showing that there
currently have viewing your
the number of visitors that
Shows the basics of file
are x visitors on site at
website is a neat thing to
are currently browsing your
usage in ASP.
present . This example
add to your site and it's
site. It increments a
demonstartes how this is
simple. In order to create
counter every time that a
this script, you must learn
unique session begins on
about session, application
your site and decrements a
objects and the global.asa
counter every time that a
session ends.

Date: Sep, 18 2006

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Nov, 24 2003
This example is a simple text
This example is a simple
Want to show current number
This is a simple text-based
based counter that will only
counter using graphics to
of users on your ASP page?
visitor counter. It uses the
show page views, not actual
display the numbers that
This article lets you show a
IIS PageCounter object and
visitors. It uses the File
will only show page views,
way to access IIS/ASP
only shows the total
Scripting Object to interact
not actual visitors. It uses
performance values from ASP.
(non-unique) number of hits.
with a text file. It first
the File Scripting Object to
Source to show current
This is as easy as it gets:
reads the current number in
interact with a text file.
number of anonymous users or
copy-paste 3 lines of code
the file and adds one to it,
main IIS performance values
into your page and you're
then displays it as text on
in HTML, values from other
the page.

Date: Jun, 17 2002

Date: Jun, 17 2002

Date: May, 06 2002

Date: Mar, 28 2002
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