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Cookies and Sessions


Sessions & Cookies

Hits: 485

State Mechanisms in ASP

Hits: 212

Using Cookies

Hits: 889

Write and Read A Cookie

Hits: 635
This tutorial explains how to
There are several ways to
Get some information about
Cookies enable you to write
set up and manage session
maintain state in ASP. This
those cookies you keep
text directly to a users
and application level
article takes a look at
hearing about, learn how to
computer. This can be used
scripting using the
them, and a means to
create one yourself.
to easily recognize if a
global.asa file.
determine which ones are
user has been to your site
best to employ.
before or used to prevent
multiple entries in to
forms. This example will
take any input you type in
and write it to a cookie. A
hyperlink to the same page
is created to demonstrate on
subsequent visits (within 3
days) the user will see
their input rather then the
text input box.

Date: Jan, 03 2001

Date: Apr, 03 2001

Date: Mar, 08 2002

Date: Jun, 26 2000
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