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Component Building


ActiveX Component

Hits: 785
Step by step tutorial on
In this tutorial, you will
This is a step by step
Learn how to use the
creating a Java COM
learn how to create your
tutorial on creating ASP COM
component which accesses and
first ActiveX DLL component
Component in Microsoft
Component of ASP.NET to
uses ASP Intrinsic
using Microsoft Visual Basic
Visual Basic. Sample Project
detect the user browser and
Components. Sample Project
5.0 and above. The power of
files available for download.
develop browser friendly
files, Component and ASP
ActiveX component is not
ASP.NET pages.
code available for download.
even closely covered here.
The purpose of this tutorial
is simply give you a start
on how DLL is created.

Date: Jul, 11 2000

Date: Feb, 15 2000

Date: Apr, 11 2000

Date: Oct, 12 2001
This is a tutorial on
This article at
This article is primarily for
This is a tutorial on
creating COM component using
Stradeveloper.com is an in
Active Server Pages (ASP)
creating and using COM
depth tutorial on calling
developers who would like to
Component: Sample chapter
and using five ASP
take their ASP skills a step
from Beginning ATL 3 COM
intrinsic objects from
further. By bundling ASP
within COM Component using
code into server-side
Visual Basic. Sample Visual
components, developers not
Basic project files,
only increase Visual Basic
component and ASP page
functionality and ASP speed,
available for download.
but also find a marvelous
way to encapsulate and
protect their ASP source
code. This tutorial will
walk you through the process
of developing a very simple
server-side ActiveX ASP
component. The emphasis will
be on the steps it takes to
produce a server-side
Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
file, not on complex ASP
scripting or advanced VB

Date: Apr, 14 2000

Date: Apr, 14 2000

Date: Jul, 07 2000

Date: Apr, 05 2000
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