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/** Search */

Ad Management


A Banner Ad Rotator

Hits: 193

adrotator example

Hits: 1665

Banner Control System

Hits: 1061
This tutorial shows you
This tutorial explains the
It is not always necessary to
Use this wizard to create the
step-by-step how to make a
complete banner ad system
need a complex ad system for
Banner Control System for
banner rotate include file
used at the site,
your system . The adrotator
your site. This application
for including in your ASP
component is a simple
will give you the ability to
pages. All source code is
Database driven, but using
alternative . This shows the
rotate banners on all pages
Application variables
basic usage.
in your site rotating them
extensively, it tracks
randomly while giving them
impressions and
equal page views at the same
clickthroughs and is fully
time. Uses Access/ASP.
automatic. Source code
available for download.

Date: Jan, 23 2000

Date: Dec, 24 2000

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2002
This shows how in conjunction
This is a quick tutorial
This tutorial explains how
This two-page article
with commision junctions
describing how to create an
you can create a rotating
provides a couple ways to
smartzones you can place a
ASP/SQL-driven banner-ad
advertisement system using
build your own banner
large number of different
rotation and tracking system
ASP. Topics include: Ad
rotation system for your Web
ads on a page. A normal
for your site.
rotator logic page, Ad
site: Using
smartzone can display 25
images date file, and
Microsoft-bundled Ad Rotator
different ads. This simple
Redirection page.
component, and Using a
example allows you to rotate
custom, database-driven
as many as 300 different ads.

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Aug, 10 2000

Date: Dec, 17 1999

Date: Jan, 04 2001
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