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/** Search */

Web Traffic Analysis


Tracking Site Statistics

Hits: 513

Visitor Tracking

Hits: 405

w3 Hitcount

Hits: 176

Web Access Logging to MS Access

Hits: 455
This application allows you
Web Traffic Analysis and Web
w3 Hitcount keeps track on
A simple way to log access to
to track a variety of site
Statistics software for
the number of visitors per
your pages to a MS Access
statistics, including hits
tracking site visitors or
day, number of visitors
database. Simple place one
per hour/day/week/month, IP
auditing web application
coming back, which OS and
line of code on each page
address of hits, and
users. Bar charts are
web browser they use. w3
you would like to log.
browsers used.
included for trend analysis
Hitcount is a real-time web
Stores date, time, page, ip,
over a rolling 60-day
component that reports
querystring, and username
period. The program records
visits as they happen. No
(if using windows
each visitor's referrer and
more over-night server
IP address for validating
updates, this is real-time,
advertising investments so
online action. You can also
that you can see where money
use w3 Hitcount to see if
is best spent. Visitor
your advertising campaign
Tracking is unique among web
generates extra visitors.
statistics software because
it connects all of the page
visits for a visitor and
creates their profile ...
allowing you to track their
footsteps through a web
store or web application. By
using a permanent
keyed-cookie for
authentication, each
visitor's history is kept
intact for years after their
initial visit. It can be
used with your existing web
site/apps or with our
management software for:
contacts, help desk (CRM),
calendars, invoicing, time
sheets, inventory and
project management.

Date: May, 18 2000

Date: Nov, 02 2006

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Aug, 14 2006
Website Stats created in asp.
A Web site statistics
Using a Access Database or
program. Features:
MySql database. Includes
configurable DSN name;
referring sites, visitor by
ability to personalize the
country, top ip, top
web tracking panel; No
browser, by date, hour,
limits on shown data, you
month, or day of the week.
can configure the amount of
Custom stat ranges so that
entries you like to see
you can find stats for any
displayed; Shows and logs
time period. Easy to use.
demographics from visitors;
Displays statistics in a
graphical manner, and
displays per page
information; Referral
statistics are displayed in
a per page fashion; Enables
the webmaster to remotely
clean up the database if and
when needed; and Will email
the webmaster statistics if
requested via the

Date: May, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 01 2002
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