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Polls and Voting


Voting Booth

Hits: 284

Voting Engine

Hits: 149

Voting System

Hits: 192


Hits: 760
Voting Booth adds plug-in
A voting engine that supports
Counting System provide
Interative Poll/Survey
functionality of voting/poll
unlimited number of
webmaster a easy way to
script. See it in action
taking to your web site.
questions with unlimited
create a vote and push the
It's simple to setup, and
number of answers. Plug
vote to webpage. Easy to
can work seamlessly with any
& Play, easy to install
use, Easy to Manage, Easy to
aspect of the design and
and to configure. Codes are
modify and Easy to purchase.
directory structure of your
designed in 2-tier
web application. Any display
structure, allows
it creates is in a single
customization and
table which makes it simple
enhancements to be made
to include it in your HTML
easily without massive code
stream, and have the ability
changes. License allows you
to assign alignment and
to use and/or integrate the
other attributes to it. It
codes to any number of
also includes a very
websites across any number
flexible web-based
of servers.
administration, allowing for
multiple administrators and
polls. It tracks all
connections by IP address,
and can be configured to
block multiple votes coming
from a unique IP in any
period of time to avoid
ballot box stuffing. Voting
Booth relies on an MS
Access, Jet4 backend.

Date: May, 14 2001

Date: Jun, 04 2003

Date: Dec, 21 2004

Date: Feb, 03 2003
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