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/** Search */



IR On-demand Scan Dir

Hits: 661

One Web MP3 Server

Hits: 223

Aurigma AVI Processor

Hits: 147


Hits: 449
Automate shoutcast ondemand.
One Web MP3 Server is an ASP
Read and write AVI files with
shoutcASP is a full system
Able to build large
website that allows users to
the Aurigma AVI Processor, a
for managing a WinAMP based
playlists and listen to
browse, search and stream
powerful AVI information
radio station. Maintaining a
them, still runs through a
MP3 files as well as make
shovel, sound track
database of Tracks and
shoutcast server but can be
and save custom playlists.
extractor, and frame
playback lists, with
altred to run independly of
Features: Browse your MP3
examiner. Create new AVI,
powerful weighted playback
a shoutcast server.
collection from any remote
shout new sound tracks, spin
rules. shoutcASP provides
computer, Stream MP3s using
video frames, and stamp
the ability to handle
built in or external MP3
on-line requests
player, Search by album or
automatically and maintain
song, Create custom
your station from anywhere
playlists, Save playlists,
on the web. There is even a
Drag and drop playlist
proto-WAP interface so you
sorting, ID3 tag reader.
can really keep an eye on
the station.

Date: Aug, 06 2003

Date: Sep, 16 2002

Date: Sep, 05 2002

Date: Mar, 29 2001
This simple ActiveX component
can be used for the
generation of sound using
system speaker by any
applications that support
ActiveX components: VBScript
and Jscript, ASP (IIS), VBA
for Access, Word and Excel,

Date: Jan, 22 2001
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